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Consulting Services:

Blue Carbon Offset

"Blue carbon projects offer a critical opportunity to restore coastal ecosystems while generating meaningful carbon offsets for corporate buyers." -US Water Alliance


The voluntary carbon market is fraught with challenges, including concerns about the credibility of offsets and the integrity of projects. Water oriented nature-based solutions such as wetland and stream restorations are underutilized "blue carbon" offsets, despite their significant environmental benefits.


WaterFunder links companies to U.S.-based, high-integrity nature-based solutions generating blue carbon offsets. These offsets are certified through rigorous environmental standards, ensuring that companies purchasing offsets are making credible contributions to coastal ecosystem preservation and restoration. By connecting corporate buyers with blue carbon mitigation banks, WaterFunder facilitates the development of carbon offset strategies focused on coastal resilience and environmental restoration.


We connect buyers with U.S.-based blue carbon offset projects that are certified for high environmental integrity, helping companies meet their carbon reduction targets.

WaterFunder Collaborated with nature-based solution developers to assemble a portfolio of wetland and stream projects aligned with voluntary carbon offset buyers' criteria, enhancing environmental sustainability. One wetland project in the portfolio reduces about 9MT/CO2 per year from the base line condition.

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